Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proverb a Day in May - May 11th/Chapter 11

Every time you read chapter 11 of Proverbs, one of the most well know verses of Proverbs comes to mind: Proverb 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. While much has been written and preached about this verse, and much could still be written and preached about it, let me share one thought about something that is sometimes said that bothers me a little bit.

There are always those who I call "super-spiritual" that want to do anything they can to be a wet blanket on the fire of a sold-out, soulwinning Christian. They are the ones who pipe up every time you say something about winning a soul to Christ and say, "Well, if you won them then they are still lost..." or some other statement along those lines. Now, before I go any further, I understand that we serve a sovereign God who is in the soul saving business. It is our responsibility to go out and spread the Gospel and to be a faithful witness for the Lord - and it is the Holy Spirit's job to convict of sin and God's responsibility to save the soul.

But when I, or some other Christian, makes the statement, "Hey, we won so-and-so to Christ today," we are not saying that we did the saving. What we are doing is using Biblical language. Why? Because Proverbs tells us he that WINNITH souls is wise.

So, instead of trying to sound super-spiritual and snuffing out the fire of a fellow Christian, show your true wisdom and go win someone to Jesus Christ.


  1. Good point, Bro Brad! Some would rather argue language than obey the Bible (though the Bible does say that we win souls - and, as you stated, God is the one who saves).

    It is interesting to note that verses 3, and 5-6 show that walking in integrity and in righteousness guides us, directs us, and delivers us.

  2. Once again we're on the same verse: The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. [Proverbs 11:30 KJV]

    Of course, we come from a soul focused background.

    I continue to be struck by the balance of each verse with good/bad. Action / Consequence.

  3. Verse 14 warns about "know-it-alls" - "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety."
